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About us

Walk With Jesus Cathedral, Church To The Nations was established in 1991. God has graciously allowed His Holy spirit to dwell among us, and we do not take that for granted. Here at WWJC-CTTN,  spiritual growth is inevitable. In the words of our Pastor, "You won't leave here like you came, in Jesus name." The fruits and gifts of the spirit, as well as the 5-Fold ministry offices are in full effect. The power of God moves freely in every service. We believe in the whole bible, all of it. We believe in preaching an uncompromising message from the Word of God. We love all of God's children and want the very best for them. This is a church where everyone can belong, and we welcome you to come see where you fit within the body of Christ. 

our pastors:
Apostle (Dr.) Iris Hailu
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The Ministry of Iris Hailu began in 1983. She started out evangelizing and preaching revivals. The Lord gave her the name Walk With Jesus Ministries to operate under and to live by. In 1991, God called then Evangelist Hailu to be the founding Pastor of, Walk With Jesus Cathedral. Since then she has been ordained and licensed in each of the 5-Fold offices. Apostle Hailu has always maintained her mandate from Isaiah 58:1. She is an anointed preacher and teacher who speaks with boldness and love. Along with being a full time  Pastor, she is an author, composer, stage play director, poet, psalmist, musician, producer, a wife, a mother of 2, a new grandmother, and a spiritual mother to many. Apostle Hailu is Internationally known and  loved for "keeping it Real but keeping it Holy," and for her Ministerial slogan, "By His Word, I Believe God."

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Pastor Leon S. Brewer III
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In 2004, Leon Brewer began to  participate in Ministry. Over the years he has worked in many areas of the church such as musician, groundskeeper, choir director, and youth leader. In 2009 the Lord called Leon to be an ordained and licensed Minister. Little did he know that as he served in this capacity with a spirit and heart of humility, God was already preparing him for the next elevation of his spiritual life. In 2014 God called then Minister Brewer to be ordained, licensed and installed as the Assistant Pastor of Walk With Jesus Cathedral, Church To The Nations. In addition to this, Pastor Brewer is a loving  husband to his high school sweetheart, Tiffany, and father to their five children, Miracle, Noel, Malachi, Tsehaynesh, and Lily. Pastor Brewer maintains a passion for helping others however he can. He absolutely loves the Word of God, especially his favorite scriptures, Habakkuk 2:3 and Psalms 24.


Walk With Jesus Cathedral

5225 Canyon Crest Dr. Suite 71 - #700 Riverside, Ca 92507


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Ok, We're On It, God Bless.

© 2023 Walk With Jesus Cathedral

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